Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
• Who will be my polygraph examiner? Jay E. Cherry, an experienced retired FBI Agent who is certified in the state of Illinois and federally certified.
• How much does it cost? Please contact us by telephone or email for rates, as they depend upon the type of exam, location, number of issues to test, etc.
• How do I make an appointment? Please call our office at (630) 937-4214 to discuss your specific needs and to make an appointment.
• How soon can I get a test done? Please call our office at (630) 937-4214 to schedule an appointment. We will discuss test issues and schedule the examination at that time. We will make every effort to accommodate your schedule and conduct the exam in a timely manner. Tests are typically conducted during normal business hours Monday through Friday.
• How many questions can be asked in a polygraph? One to four questions can be asked per test. The examiner will discuss the test issues with the client and formulate the polygraph test questions based upon the facts and circumstances of the matter being tested.
• What if I’m generally a nervous, analytical, or “guilty conscious” type of person? The examiner will assess your suitability for the exam before testing begins. A baseline in your physiology will be established and the examiner will look for changes in that baseline. It is common to have an overall baseline that is somewhat elevated due to general nervousness, which will not affect the overall results. After reviewing the issues, questions, and procedures, most people are quite comfortable in taking the exam. It is normal and acceptable to feel somewhat anxious before and during the exam.
• What kinds of things cannot be tested? Mental states, such as love, lust, desire to be married, intentions, and hypothetical situations cannot be tested. Polygraph exams should be focused on physical acts and/or veracity, or whether or not someone did or said something.
• Where will the exam take place? Polygraph tests are scheduled by appointment only. We do not accept walk-in appointments at our testing site. Our testing site is located at 106 West Wilson Street, Batavia, IL 60510. Under certain circumstances, the examiner is also available to travel to conduct exams if necessary and coordinated beforehand.
• Can polygraph be done in a foreign language? Yes, it is best to have an examiner that speaks the foreign language; however, interpreters can be used if the examiner and interpreter are properly trained and well-prepared. Mr. Cherry speaks fluent Spanish and has extensive experience with utilizing interpreters for other languages.
• Is Mr. Cherry qualified to conduct my examination? Yes, he has received the best polygraph training available, has the necessary experience as a former FBI polygraph examiner, and has the most state of the art polygraph equipment.
• Will my results be confidential? Yes, only the examinee and/or requestor and those approved by the examinee will receive the polygraph results unless they are requested pursuant to a subpoena or court order, which is beyond the control of the examiner.
• Will I get a copy of the polygraph charts? No, the actual charts will not be released unless requested pursuant to a subpoena or court order.
• Will the exam be recorded? Yes, in nearly all cases your test will be audio and video recorded with your written consent. If you decline to be recorded, it is at the examiner’s discretion as to whether you will be tested.
• Can I get a copy of the audio/video recording? No, our policy is to maintain recordings confidentially unless ordered by subpoena or court order to release them.
• Will the process be explained to me? Yes, each step of the polygraph process will be explained in full detail prior to beginning the actual test.
• Will I know the questions being asked before I take the test? Yes, all issues and test questions will be reviewed prior to beginning the test.
• Will I receive a “practice test?” Yes, each examinee will be administered an acquaintance test to familiarize him or her with the polygraph process and components.
• How long will the polygraph take? Although most exams can be completed in one and a half hours, please allow up to two hours for the entire polygraph exam to be conducted, which includes the pre-test, in-test, and post-test phases of the test.
• Can I have someone “sit in” on the test? No, only the examiner and examinee can be in the polygraph room during testing. This is to avoid any distractions, interruptions, or inhibitions.
• What if I’m sick the day of the test? Please give 48 hours prior notice to the examiner if at all possible. Your suitability will always be assessed prior to testing. If you are sick or in pain, you need to contact our office and give prior notice that you are not feeling well so we can re-schedule your test.
• What if I’m pregnant? Our policy is not to test examinees who know that they are pregnant.
• Can a minor (under the age of 18) take a polygraph examination? Yes, with his/her consent and that of a parent or legal guardian. We will discuss your situation with you and will make a final determination based upon the examinee’s willingness to be tested, level of understanding, maturity, ability to sit still and follow instructions, etc.
• How long will it take to get the results? Barring extenuating circumstances, you will receive final results and a written report within 24 hours of the exam.
• How can I pay for my polygraph exam? We accept cash, Venmo, or credit/debit card.
• What is your cancellation policy?
o A $100.00 non-refundable deposit is required to make an appointment. Please call our office number at (630) 937-4214 to discuss test issues and make the deposit over the phone via credit card prior to scheduling and testing.
o If the cancellation is more than 48 hours of the examination, the remaining balance will not be charged.
o Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled testing time.
o Cancellations made within 48 hours of the test will be charged at full rate.
o “No-shows” or cancellations during the test will be charged at the full rate.
o No refunds will be made after testing has begun or been completed.
o The remaining balance will be collected the day of testing before the test begins.
• How to best prepare for your polygraph examination:
o Get a full night’s sleep if possible (whatever is “normal” for you).
o Allow sufficient time to travel to the examination site without hurry or stress.
o Take prescribed medications as you normally would, bring a list of medications you take if you do not have them memorized.
o Do not drink alcohol, use marijuana/THC, or take illegal drugs before the exam. Drinking “normal” amounts of coffee or caffeinated drinks (what you are accustomed to) should not affect the results.
o Do not skip a meal prior to your polygraph examination, eat when you normally eat.
o Wear comfortable clothing without thick sleeves (to allow a blood pressure cuff to be placed on your upper arm).
o Listen carefully to your examiner and follow his directions for best results.
o Do not attempt to help yourself or “beat” the polygraph exam (employ “countermeasures”). They are easily detected and will only create “Inconclusive or “No Opinion” results.
o Please turn off your cellphone prior to entering the polygraph room to avoid distractions or interruptions during the examination.
o Sit very still during the actual polygraph examination. It only takes 2-3 minutes to collect each chart.